Summit™ Ski Resort Management & POS System
Fixed and Mobile Lift Ticket Point of Sale System
Ski Resort Management at a Discount Price

System Features
– Full range of ticketing options including season, partial season, monthly, weekly, multiday, single day, partial day, hourly, designated area, and number of rides
– Easy to define ticketing scenarios allow you to design custom tickets
– Tickets can be sold online, mobile, or at fixed ticket windows
– Web based ticket reloading – no ticket lines
– Tickets sent to mobile phones for direct on phone scanning with applicable equipment
– Mobile ticket sales in parking lots, cafeteria, lifts or wherever its convenient for customers
– Ticket printing with mobile printers
– Credit card usage with mobile computers
– Credit card purchasers automatically get added to an online customer database
– 1D and 2D barcode ticket printing
– Encodes HF and UHF RFID lift tickets
– Compatible with HF and UHF hand held scanners and gate systems
– Financial and performance reports to view, customize, and export information
– Ticket sales information in real time from any computer on the network
– Online loyalty program
– Online registration with credit card on file for lift tickets and other resort purchases
– Online customer loyalty statistics automatically posted including resort visits, lifts ridden, vertical feet skied, photos taken, etc.
– Easy to define marketing incentives and discounts based on customer points, coupons, and vouchers
Ticketing Module
Many ski areas provide little choice to customers. There is a season pass, daily or multi day pass, and maybe an afternoon pass that only saves a few dollars. Unless customers make a full day commitment, it is not worth coming to the ski area. SummitTM Ticket Module (TM) allows you to define all types of tickets including season, partial season, monthly, weekly, multi day, daily, hourly, per ride, specific mountain lifts, terrain park plus whatever your marketing thinks will sell more tickets.
As an example, if your customers could buy a 10 ride ticket for the season, they could visit anytime one or two hours are available, giving them more skiing time and you more revenue, revenue that was previously unavailable. Our TM makes it easy for customers to select the tickets they want to buy, online or at the resort, and our pricing module adjusts to the customer’s selections, all under your control.
Scanning Options
In order to keep track of the ticketing options, your mountain should have the right ticket scanning procedures to make sure customers only receive what they paid for. These procedures would determine the types of tickets that can be provided.
Most resorts currently have personnel at bottom lift with hand held barcode scanners to validate tickets. No matter how hard these associates try to scan tickets they wind up missing a bunch. For areas with upper lifts, there is no scanning up there.
We provide ski lift access gates that use long range (UHF) RFID to verify that each skier has a valid lift ticket.
If a skier wants to use a lift that is not on the ticket, it can be added to the existing ticket right at the lift with our mobile lift ticket POS. For areas that use barcode only, our equipment can read the ticket barcode right from the mobile phone.
For areas that use barcode only, our scanning gates can read the ticket barcode right from the mobile phone.
Ticket Purchases at Any Location
Summit™ allows patent pending mobile ticket sales at any resort location. It supports the fixed ticket windows but it also allows ticket sales in the parking lots, cafeteria, rental shop, and even at the lifts. Once a ticket is purchased, even a daily ticket, it can be refilled online for any amount. All tickets have a QR code and a human readable number. The customer can read the QR code with a smart phone and be logged directly to a webpage that will allow the addition of more runs or days to the ticket. A web kiosk or computer and a credit card will provide the same function.
Loyalty Programs
Customers can sign up online to register for the loyalty program and can also attach a credit card for purchases of lift tickets, ski shop products, food and other resort services. Our KeyTM card behaves like a credit card at the resort. For the primary member it is unrestricted, for family member it is restricted to a specific amount authorized by the primary member.
Unique features are that all purchases by family members get added to the primary’s points, allowing faster point accumulations for faster rewards. For you, it means more spending at the resort. The program can be linked to Facebook and Twitter with automatic announcements of lift ticket purchases, updates of arrival through GPS, automatic postings of ski photos, lifts ridden, vertical feet skied, and other statistics of interest to the customer’s online community that also keeps the customer coming back to your resort.
Financial Reporting
Full financial reports are available for each facet of resort operations for any specified time period. These statistics can be exported to Excel for more complete analysis.